Company name: Bake Affair GmbH
Address: Gewerbestraße 4, 3375 Krummnußbaum
Phone: +43 (0)2757 / 21802
Legal form: GmbH
VAT number: ATU75968605
Commercial register : FN 5 42300 a
Bank details
IBAN: AT75 3202 5000 0100 4886
Information obligation: Section 5 paragraph 1 of the E-Commerce Act
Opening hours :
Mon – Fri 07:30 – 12:00
Mon – Fri 13:00 – 16:30
The company Bake Affair GmbH is a subsidiary/partner company of Stöber Mühle GmbH (www.stö
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The information provided on this website has been carefully checked and is regularly updated. However, no guarantee can be given that all information is complete, correct and up-to-date at all times. This applies in particular to all connections ("links") to other websites to which reference is made directly or indirectly.
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Prices listed on this website are gross prices and are only valid as long as they are stated on the website.
Furthermore, no claim can be made to a service-price combination.
Design and conception: Wolfbiz Online Services
Images purchased via Shutterstock or or CookingCatrin